COP26: Fera's Support for Environmental Sustainability in Agriculture and Food Production

At Fera, we will extend our track record of supporting government policy through monitoring and evaluating agri-environment schemes to support agriculture and food production in line with the goals of COP26.

Investing in our Science Strategy will enable Fera to provide leading advice and support to help governments, businesses and NGOs to manage land in ways that are beneficial for biodiversity and emissions reduction whilst helping to increase agricultural productivity.

From local authorities, to retailers, chemical companies, water companies, individual growers and farmers and their associations, we seek to continue to deploy our expertise to create more resilient agricultural and eco-systems. This involves reliable monitoring and surveillance of biodiversity over time; giving us the insight to provide advice on modifications to farming practices, agri-environment policies and incentive schemes to ensure they optimise benefits and minimise detrimental effects on the environment.

In addition, we will continue to invest in data science services and data modelling; to make better use of existing data, extrapolating outcomes and scenarios that help governments and industry adapt to - and mitigate - the effects of climate change.

If you would like to find out more about our science strategy, click here to download or view online.

Interested in how we can work together to mitigate climate change? With thanks to funding from the University of York, Andrew Swift, CEO of Fera, and Wendy Martindale will be attending COP26 in Glasgow from 6-9th November.

If you’re attending the event and want to find out more about how we can work together, click here to book a meeting.