LAND360 Blog

How Can Housing Developers Make Properties More Nature Friendly?

Written by Fera Science | Jun 13, 2023 10:21:26 AM

There are many options which can be incorporated into houses and their surroundings which can support wildlife or avoid disturbing existing habitats.


  • Reducing hard standing – for example looking at options which would reduce use of concrete such as mesh driveways (benefits to existing habitat and helps with flood management).
  • Avoid blanket use of synthetic garden/recreational surfaces such as astroturf which do not allow nature to flourish.
  • Add ‘wildlower and nectar’ seeds in the offering to new homeowners
  • Introduce a managed community compost system.
  • include rainwater harvesting solutions to conserve water to use for plants and gardens.
  • Consider bat boxes and bat bricks which can be incorporated into buildings.
  • Add tailored tubes in a building to allow bats and swallows to colonise.
  • Look at establishing bird feeding stations and bird feeding community programme to ensure feeders are maintained and filled. The benefit is two-fold because it contributes to improved bird population as well as well-being of tenants.

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