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Enigma in 2024: A Year of Collaborative Innovation in Agri-Food Research

As the agri-food sector continues to face production and environmental problems , the spotlight has turned towards finding innovative solutions that not only help solve industry issues, but also pave the way for a more sustainable and resilient food production system.

Enigma, Fera's collaborative research model in the agri-food sector, has seen a year of cutting-edge research, teamwork, and practical solutions, as we joined forces with partners across the agri-food chain to address critical challenges in food security, sustainability, and agricultural resilience. This blog will explore the ground-breaking projects we've delivered and showcase how collaboration continues to drive meaningful change in the agri-food landscape.

Let’s revisit the highlights from the year and how you can keep up to date with the latest news and insights on Enigma.


Enigma I: Combatting the Possibility of Future Wireworm Threats

Wireworms, the larvae of Click Beetles (Elateridae), represent a continued and growing threat to food production and agricultural sustainability. As pest populations grow, and climate change alters their behaviour their threat necessitates the need to develop novel integrated pestshutterstock_1934814077 management (IPM) strategies.

  • Our first Enigma project, launched in 2022 to address wireworm damage in crops and advance Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques for growers, has continued to achieve significant breakthroughs. Last year marked a series of pivotal milestones in developing a sustainable solution for wireworm control, reinforcing its impact on pest management strategies. Modelling suggests that wireworm will become more prevalent in northern areas of the UK, and at higher elevations, due to the rising soil temperatures caused by climate change.

  • Following thorough identification processes, including DNA barcoding, our experts have been able to produce maps that show the current geographic ranges of the five wireworm species of most concern to growers across the UK.

  • By modelling wireworm activity, we can predict how these geographic ranges are likely to evolve between now and 2040. Forecasting where the pest could become an issue for growers in the future, and which species they need to look out for.

  • Using life history studies in lab cultures and from field samples has enabled Fera to model wireworm populations throughout the year. This allows us to provide our partners with up-to-date information on where and when to target sustainable pest control methods to be most effective at protecting crops.

What is next for Enigma I?

With phase one of this project nearing a close we’re evolving into a second phase of research. Working on an individual basis with project partners, we are aiming to use the outputs from Enigma I to tailor more effective IPM strategies on-farm.

If this problem sounds all too familiar, we’re welcoming new partners to join the project and continue the research into better pest management. If you wish to find out more please visit here: Enigma I

Enigma IV: Helping the Potato Sector tackle Tobacco Rattle Virus (TRV)

For potato growers in the UK, Tobacco Rattle Virus (TRV) poses a significant threat to crop quality and yields. As a major causal pathogen of Spraing disease it’s vital this virus can be contained, however current standard tests for pre planting detection of TRV are ineffective.shutterstock_1934336921

In 2024 we launched our Enigma IV project set to improve the knowledge of TRV epidemiology and develop an improved predictive diagnostic service that can be offered to the UK potato sector, putting Spraing control in the hands of growers. This service will have faster turnaround times and reduced costs for growers, helping them to improve their yields, and promote a sustainable and successful business.

Find out more about the project here: Enigma IV


Enigma V: Improving the control of Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle in Oilseed Rape crops

In 2024, the UK recorded its smallest planted area of oilseed rape (OSR) in 40 years, marking a historic low for the crop. This decline is largely attributed to ongoing difficulties in controlling Cabbage Stem Flea Beetle (CSFB), a devastating pest for UK farmers.

Our Enigma V project is exploring innovative and science-led solutions for CSFB control, with the potential to restore the viability of UK oilseed rape production and increase yields for growers. Fera scientists have made positive steps since the project first launched last year:

  • Laboratory trials have demonstrated that by combining botanical oils with pyrethroids we can reduce the amount of pesticides needed for effective pest control.

  • The project has moved onto the next phase, glasshouse trials will be conducted to test whether the lab trials can be replicated in real-world environments. With the hope this method can be scaled to the field.

Although still in the early stages, the project has the potential to be crucial for many farmers and growers across the agricultural sector. If you want to find out more, please visit here: Enigma V


Our session at the 2024 Fera Science Symposium with key Industry Partners

At Fera’s annual Science Symposium in November, we hosted a session on Enigma with industry partners exploring some of the key issues facing the agri-food space, and the positive outcomes collaborate projects can have in advancing the science and making it accessible to those on the ground.

Supporting Fera’s scientists during the session were key project partners, James Warner (Managing Director, United Oilseeds), Adam North (Agronomist, Pearce Seeds), Frances Standen (Tenant Farmer at Castle Howard Estate), and Paul Temple (Farmer at Wold View Farm). You can watch the full session below.


Fera Science Symposium 2024 - Full Industry Session_ Enigma-low

View Full Video Here


Looking ahead into 2025: The Importance of Collaborative Research in the Agri-food Sector

In 2025 our Enigma R&D model will continue to research, innovation and knowledge transfer across the agri-food sector. With further projects planning to launch, we hope that our vital work with our trusted partners will solve challenges that are making the lives of farmers, growers and food businesses incredibly difficult.

You can stay up to date with the latest news and insights from our collaborative projects below…

Explore our Enigma blogs to read Fera's expert opinions, and latest news from across the agri-food sector:

Find out more about our services, and hear the latest insights and news from our team on our website here.

Interested in becoming a partner of one our projects? Please reach out to our Collaborative Research Projects Director, Adam Bedford here.

